Friday, June 21, 2013

My first BOM from the Fat Quarter Shop.

I started sewing again just before Christmas. I was great to get my machine out after a 5 year break. I used to make quilts, but now I don't have much time or space to get s project like that done. I am always rather afraid that the Sweetie P's will find my pins or scissors and get hurt as well.

Anyway, after making some gifts for Christmas, I got the creating bug again. While looking through pintrest for projects and such, I discovered the Fat Quarter Shop. They had a mystery block of the month starting in a few months, so I signed up. I figured, I could make a block each month, especially if they picked out the fabric for me. As a bonus, I only had to pay for a portion of my quilt at a time.

Well, months went by, and I had actually forgotten about the membership in the Block of the Month club, until my little package arrived the other day. It was so much fun, like getting a little gift in the mail! And the fabrics are so adorable!

So far, I've only gotten time to cut the fabric.

 I really like this collection. Look at the sweet little cherries...

I can't wait to get it all together! 

The Fat Quarter Shop is very generous as well. Take a look at all the fabric I have left over! I'm sure I could make a second block, and maybe even a third! 

Oh, and they also included a mini charm pack of the entire collection! How awesome is that? 
  It is so adorable! 

I hope to get the first block pieced together this evening, so hopefully I'll have a photo of a finished block to add this evening. 

Monday, June 17, 2013

I spy quilt

I happen to be looking at the Fat Quarter Shop facebook page, and found a comment posted from  heartathomemama about an I Spy quilt block swap.

from Obsessively stiching

An I spy quilt has lots of different squares depicting things the kids can search for and find in the quilt, like the one above.

I think I love the idea of an I spy quilt for my kids, and also maybe as a gift? I have already started my Christmas list and projects, and this could easily be added and finished by Christmas.

 I just started using my sewing machine after a 5 year break, so I don't have a stash to pull from. To pull off a quilt like this, I would have to buy a collection of I spy fabrics, buy each fabric (that sounds like an expensive prospect) or join this swap. I'm leaning toward the swap, but right now I fell like I have a lot of projects going on and have purchased fabric and scrapbook supplies that have yet to be used. I did, however, take a look at some fabric online, since I have so little time to get out and shop. The Fat Quarter shop had a few selection in the 50% off section that would work, and after postage, it would still be a deal for enough fabric for two small quilts.

Oh maybe I should just do it!

Edited to add: I did sign up! In fact, I signed up twice, so it looks like someone will get a quilt for Christmas! So stay tuned, I'm sure you will see my progress in future posts!

Monday, June 3, 2013

I'm no longer on the fence regarding the use of spray sunscreen.

I have been on the fence about using spray sunscreens. On one hand, they are super convenient when trying to protect four kids from sunburn, and can make the process much quicker. On the other hand, I'm never sure how much they actually are covering them, and the smell is awful! I have also read about concerns that the spray being inhaled by our little ones is harmful to their lungs. (See how-safe-are-spray-sunscreens)

I don't have a lot of chemicals in the house anymore. With 4 little ones, it is hard to make sure that they are safely stored, so I just don't have them around if I don't have to. I have stopped buying a many of  the cleaning products and opt for lots of vinegar for disinfecting and baking soda for scrubbing.  Sunscreen in a must for the summers outside, but the spray?

My mode of operations for park visits or other outdoor activities has been to lotion up before we get in the car or wagon. When we get to the park, or activity, I will sometime spray them down (mostly on the back of the neck and legs) as they exit the car. While at the park, I sometimes get a little spray on if they have been playing in the water or I am feeling like they need more protection.

Today, as I was trying to get the littlest Sweetie P lathered up in the backyard, one of the twins found the bottle of spray sunscreen. The next thing I knew I had a Sweetie screaming because he got sprayed in the eye.

It was awful! He was crying and yelling and really hurting. I took him to the bathroom and flushed out his eye with water, and that made him more upset. He was crying, I was crying, we were both a big fat blubbering mess! I can only imagine how that must have felt. His eye was an irritated crazy red and his face so sad and hurt. After 10 or 15 minutes of trying to get it cleaned out, hugging and crying in the bathroom, I let him watch TV for a little bit. He was OK, but I was really not.

I am going to ditch the spray all together and keep the Sweetie P's eyes and lungs safe. I think it is worth the extra time to slather on the lotion, to make sure they are totally covered, and get a little time to pamper each one in the process. Somethings are not worth the convenience.

After reading the link above, I'm also going to check out chemical free options for sunscreen. As much as we seem to use in the summer, I think it would be worth it to look into even safer mean of sun protection.